Cooljoolz make your perfect rings, especially for you.
We have hundreds of design ideas, available in any of the precious metals, to suit your budget, to create your unique wedding rings in the comfort of your own home, at a time convenient to you. All styles can be made to your requirements, shaped to fit your engagement ring, diamonds or other gemstones can be added and if there’s still nothing that catches your eye, how about designing your own ring? We can help you with that too!
Your wedding rings, handcrafted in the UK by a collection of very talented independent craftsmen, will have a manufacturer's lifetime guarantee, with free cleaning and polishing. There is no extra charge if you would like to pay by instalment payment plan. We'll also clean, refinish and if necessary, resize your engagement ring, prior to your big day, so that everything matches.
Cooljoolz specialise in handmade shaped rings. With an interest-free instalment payment plan option available, call now to arrange a free consultation with James, your local advisor.
T: 07730197881
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